Ein Weinbau in Hanglage, der die warme sizilianische Sonne und die Winde genießt, die die Weinberge des Anwesens Giudeo wenige Kilometer vom Meer umarmen. Hier erzählen die Merkmale der Landschaft von Marsala die typische Umgebung Westsiziliens mit ihren abwechselnden Tälern und Höhen. Ein Gebiet reich an Geschichte und Kultur, in dem ausgedehnte Weinberge (Grillo, Zibibbo und Catarratto Lucido für die weißen Beeren, Nero D’Avola und eine klonale Auswahl von Nerello Mascalese für die roten Beeren) einen großen Teil der sizilianischen Landschaft bedecken , zu den geeignetsten auf der Insel und nicht überraschend zu den meisten Weinbergen Italiens. Hier ist der Boden überwiegend tonhaltig und durch marine Sedimentationen unterschiedlicher Tiefe gekennzeichnet; Die Abfolge der Böden ist durch Karbonate verbunden, mit grober Textur im oberen Bereich und allmählich feiner im Tal und in den Endbereichen: Von oben nach unten ändert sich daher die Korngröße unter Beibehaltung der Karbonatmatrix. Das Klima ist von Natur aus mediterran, zeichnet sich jedoch durch die Vielfalt der Mikroklimata (insbesondere zu Halbtrockenheit) und durch die starken Temperaturschwankungen zwischen Tag und Nacht aus, die oft über 15 °C Unterschied liegen, und schaffen die idealen Voraussetzungen für eine höhere Qualität. der Trauben und damit der Weine. Die Weinberge – alle in ökologischer Landwirtschaft betrieben – liegen zwischen 85 und 108 Meter über dem Meeresspiegel und erstrecken sich auf zwei gegenüberliegenden Seiten mit Nord/Nord-West und Ost/Süd-Ost Ausrichtung. 37 ° 45 ’59’ Nord 12 °, 38 ’42’ Ost.



Giudeo Estate

Pedology of the area

The characteristics of the Marsala countryside tell of the typical environment of western Sicily with its alternating valleys and high floors present in this type of countryside. Among the Firriato estates, Giudeo is the southernmost one and extends over a typical succession of soils with an orogenetic basis due to marine sediments of different depths. In the upper part there is sandstone with large granulometry and, a few tens of meters deep, there are accumulations of clays. Along the slope of Judeo, the succession of soils is linked by carbonates, with coarse texture in the upper parts and gradually finer in the valley and terminal parts: from top to bottom, therefore, the grain size changes while maintaining the carbonate matrix. The pedological succession – that is the composition -, the genesis and the modifications of the soil are made up of entisols (young soils in the upper part), inceptisols (little evolved soils) in the intermediate portion and vertisols (with abundant presence of particular types of clayey minerals) in the valley position.

Giudeo Estate


A territory rich in history and culture where Giudeo estate develops; here expanses of vineyards cover a large part of the Sicilian countryside. The climate is naturally Mediterranean but is characterized by the variety of microclimates and by the strong temperature fluctuations between day and night which often exceed 15 ° C difference, creating the ideal conditions for a higher quality of the grapes and therefore of the wines. The vineyards are located at an altitude of about 85 and 108 meters above sea level and extend over the typical alternating valleys and plateaus present in this part of western Sicily, today considered the most suitable of the island and not surprisingly the most planted in the area. ‘Italy. The soil is mainly clayey and characterized by marine sedimentations of different depths.

Giudeo Estate

Climatology of the area

The area is characterized by a set of climatic phenomena of an intermediate scale (compared to those that make up the microclimate and macroclimate). According to the Thorntwite index – given by the ratio between total monthly rainfall and total monthly evaporation – Giudeo estate is characterized by climatic conditions tending to semi-arid. The estate is also characterized by strong temperature fluctuations between day and night which are around 15 ° C, and is located between 85 and 108 meters above sea level, with vineyards on two opposite sides: North orientation / North-West and East / South-East.

Giudeo Estate


Grillo, Zibibbo and Catarratto Lucido for the white berried grapes, Nero D’Avola, and a clonal selection of Nerello Mascalese for the red berried ones constitute the different cultivars bred with the espalier system, characterized by long and rich pruning. The excellent vigor of the plants and the good vegetative-productive balance qualify the particularities of the Giudeo estate’s vineyards. The harvest is done manually and carried out in the period between the first and third decade of September.

Giudeo Estate

Agronomic practices

The whole vineyard is managed and certified according to the rules of organic farming. The plants are left with free vegetation in order to increase the level of coverage of the bunches and maintain a microclimate of freshness on the berries. Grassing with mixed-spontaneous essences is one of the most important cultural practices.

Firriato Winery, Authentic Terroir