ISO 14064 renewal: Firriato against Global Warming

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The reduction of greenhouse gases is a goal of Firriato for environmental protection

We have been one of the first Italian wine producers to be awarded the ISO 14064 certification on the reduction and control of greenhouse gases. This is proof that we have honoured our commitment with our territory to  preserve its environment. Firriato’s contribution to the control and reduction of greenhouse gases stems from the desire to respect the environment in which we all live. Wine means lifestyle, conviviality, joy of life and we want these little pleasures to be enjoyed without affecting the balance of nature.


From the entrance of the grapes at the exit of the bottle, just one thought: the control of greenhouse gases

From our vineyards through the cellar down to the bottling line, we have designed everything with the objective of cutting greenhouse gas emissions. Our business decision is entirely in keeping with the provisions laid down in the Kyoto Protocol on December 11 1997, as the 55 signatory nations decided to adhere to the evaluation guidelines that would come into force from 2005. Today, thanks to the decisions made in Kyoto, all governments and all industries in the world have the same evaluation standards for the monitoring and consequential reduction of CO2.


Not the carbon footprint of a single product, but of the entire production process. Hence the importance of our commitment.

Obtaining, once again, the ISO 14064 allows us to carry on with the pact we have made with nature. ISO 14064 is an international standard for monitoring greenhouse gas emissions containing measures for control and reduction. The basic principles of the ISO 14064 standard were laid down worldwide in 2002 in order to have the same assessment data in all regions of the planet. The certification has been issued to us by the most prestigious international certifying body, DNV. With the confirmation of the excellent work carried out to date, we will continue to monitor, evaluate and above all control our greenhouse gas emissions and make our contribution to the environmental sustainability of the Earth. Reducing greenhouse gases means committing to making a healthier atmosphere and actively contributing to curbing the increase of global temperature.

From Etna volcano to Favignana Island

From the Trapani countryside and from the tiny island of Favignana we are sending out a positive signal at a time when more than 160 nations participate in the World Conference on Climate Change in Paris. We are doing our part, and Europe is the highest achieving geo-political area in terms of diversification of energy sources, with less and less energy from oil and coal. From 2011 to 2015, the Earth’s temperature has never been so high in her long life. There is no time to lose. Climate change affects us all, equally and simultaneously.


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